Marina Galstyan
Marina Galstyan is an experienced researcher and evaluator with a research focus on education, child and youth studies. Marina has solid experience in qualitative and quantitative research. She is engaged in practical and scientific studies for over 12 years. Marina is the founder and director of Center for Educational Research and Consulting. As a director of the Center, she participated in several studies on education, child protection and youth: research on inclusive education, labour market mapping, and child needs evaluation, secondary and higher education studies etc. Marina has an extensive record in working with the international and local organizations: Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the youth field, People in Need Czech Republic, SALTO-Youth Inclusion Resource center, UN Agencies (UNDP, UNICEF) in Armenia; youth organisations and International donors (Open Society Foundations Armenia, Save the Children International, DVV International Armenia). Marina is a member of the European Sociological Association. She authored over 30 research articles, reports, book chapters, and policy reports on education and youth policy, youth employment, inclusive education, civic education, child rights and higher education.